


Feasibility of keeping Mars warm with nanoparticles

Samaneh Ansari,  Edwin Kite, Ramses Ramirez, Liam J. Steele, Hooman Mohseni

Science Advances (Aug 2024)


Fast and Efficient Type-II Phototransistors Integrated on Silicon

Lining Liu, Simone Bianconi, Skylar Wheaton, Nathaniel Coirier, Farah Fahim, Hooman Mohseni

arXiv (Nov 2023)

From Material to Cameras: Low-Dimensional Photodetector Arrays on CMOS

Samaneh Ansari, Simone Bianconi, Chang-Mo Kang, Hooman Mohseni

Small Methods (July 2023)

Toward Sub-Micron Pixels for Short-Wave Infrared Imaging

Chang-Mo Kang, Jacob Rabinowitz, Simone Bianconi, Lining Liu, Melville Ulmer, Hooman Mohseni

Semiconductor Science and Technology (2023)



Strategy for Addressing the Low Quantum Efficiency of Nanowire Photodetectors

Simone Bianconi, Jacob Rabinowitz, Chang-Mo Kang, Lining Liu, Mohsen Rezaei, Haroon Nawaz, and Hooman Mohseni

ACS Photonics (2022)


Substrate-Independent Broad-Band Immersion Microlens Arrays with a High Coupling Efficiency for Infrared Focal Plane Arrays

Chang-Mo Kang, Simone Bianconi, Travis Hamilton, Jacob Rabinowitz, Skyler Wheaton, Lining Liu, Melville Ulmer, and Hooman Mohseni

ACS Applied Electronic Materials (2022)



A New Approach to Designing High-Sensitivity Low-Dimensional

Mohsen Rezaei, Simone Bianconi, Lincoln J. Lauhon, and Hooman Mohseni

Nano Letters (2021)

Photonic jet writing of quantum dots self-aligned to dielectric microspheres

Andrea Ristori, Travis Hamilton, Dimosthenis Toliopoulos, Marco Felici, Giorgio Pettinari,
Stefano Sanguinetti, Massimo Gurioli, Hooman Mohseni, and Francesco Biccari

Advanced Quantum Technologies (Featured at the cover) (2021)


Exaggerated Sensitivity in photodetectors with internal gain

Simone Bianconi, Lincoln J Lauhon, Hooman Mohseni

Nature Photonics (2021)


A 3 pJ/bit free space optical interlink platform for self-powered tetherless sensing and opto-spintronic RF-to-optical transduction

Skyler Wheaton, Victor Lopez-Dominguez, Hamid Almasi, Jialin Cai, Zhongming Zeng, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Hooman Mohseni

Scientific Reports (2021)


Highly sensitive SWIR detector array based on nanoscale phototransistors integrated on CMOS readout

Lining Liu, Jacob Rabinowitz, Simone Bianconi, Min-Su Park, Hooman Mohseni

APL (2020)

When shot-noise-limited photodetectors disobey
Poisson statistics

Jacob Rabinowitz, Mohsen Rezaei, Min-Su Park, Chee Leong Tan, Melville Ulmer, and Hooman Mohseni

Optics Letters (2020)

Recent advances in infrared imagers: toward thermodynamic and quantum limits of photon sensitivity

Simone Bianconi, Hooman Mohseni

Rep. Prog. Phys. 83 (2020)

Dynamically Reconfigurable Data Readout of Pixel Detectors for Automatic Synchronization with Data Acquisition Systems

Farah Fahim, Simone Bianconi,Jacob Rabinowitz, Siddhartha Joshi, Hooman Mohseni

Sensors, 20, 2560 (2020)

Ultra-sensitive SWIR FPA with enhanced quantum efficiency based on electron multi-injector

Simone Bianconi, Hooman Mohseni

Proc. SPIE 11288, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII (2020)

Quantum Dots Luminescence Collection Enhancement and Nanoscopy by Dielectric Microspheres

Francesco Biccari, Travis Hamilton, Andrea Ristori, Stefano Sanguinetti, Sergio Bietti, Massimo Guriolim, Hooman Mohseni

Particle, Particle Systems and Characterizations (2020)


A Low-Power, High-Speed Readout for Pixel Detectors Based on an Arbitration Tree

Farah Fahim, Siddhartha Joshi, Seda Ogrenci-Memik, Hooman Mohseni

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (2019)

Engineering the gain-bandwidth product of phototransistor diodes

Simone Bianconi, Mohsen Rezaei, Min-Su Park, Wenyuan Huang, Chee Leong Tan, and Hooman Mohseni

Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 051104 (2019)

Evaluation of the Returned Electromagnetic Signal from Retroreflectors in Turbid Media

Iman Hassani nia, Skyler Wheaton & Hooman Mohseni

Scientific Reports 25 April (2019)

InGaAs based heterojunction phototransistors: Viable solution for high-speed and low-noise short wave infrared imaging

Mohsen Rezaei, Min-Su Park, Cobi Rabinowitz, Chee Leong Tan, Skylar Wheaton, Melville Ulmer, and Hooman Mohseni

Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 161101 (2019)


Giant Conductivity Modulation of Aluminum Oxide using Focused Ion Beam

Simone Bianconi, Min-Su Park, Hooman Mohseni

ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. (2019)


Space-Time Scattering Network for Electromagnetic Inverse Design and Tomography

Travis Hamilton, Hooman Mohseni

arXiv:1811.07207 (2018)

Machine learning optimization of surface-normal optical modulators for SWIR time-of-flight 3D camera

Simone Bianconi, Skyler Wheaton, Min-Su Park, Iman Hassani Nia and Hooman Mohseni

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2018)

InGaAs/InP quantum well infrared photodetector integrated on Si substrate by Mo/Au metal-assisted wafer bonding

Min-Su Park, Mohsen Rezaei, Iman Nia, Robert Brown, Simone Bianconi, Chee Leong Tan, and Hooman Mohseni

Optical Materials Express Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 413-419 (2018)

Emerging technologies for high performance infrared detectors

Chee Leong Tan, Hooman Mohseni

Nanophotonics (2018)


Characterization of the Optical Properties of Turbid Media by Supervised Learning of Scattering Patterns

Iman Hassani Nia, Ramin Bostanabad, Wei Chen, Hooman Mohseni

Scientific Reports 7 (1), 15259, (2017)

An Optical-Fiber-Based Smart Textile (Smart Socks) to Manage Biomechanical Risk Factors Associated With Diabetic Foot Amputation

Bijan Najafi, Hooman Mohseni, Gurtej S. Grewal, Talal K. Talal, Robert A. Menzies, and David G. Armstrong

Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2017, Vol. 11(4) 668–677 (2017)

Heterojunction phototransistor for highly sensitive infrared detection

Mohsen Rezaei, Min-Su Park, Chee Leong Tan, Cobi Rabinowitz, Skyler Wheaton, et al.

Proceedings Volume 10177, Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII, (2017)

Cascaded spintronic logic with low-dimensional carbon

Joseph S. Friedman, Anuj Girdhar, Ryan M. Gelfand, Gokhan Memik, Hooman Mohseni, Allen Taflove, Bruce W. Wessels1, Jean-Pierre Leburton & Alan V. Sahakian

Nature Communications 8, 15635 (2017)

Tayi et al. reply

Alok S. Tayi, Alexander K. Shveyd, Andrew C.-H. Sue, Jodi M. Szarko, Brian S. Rolczynski, Dennis Cao, T. Jackson Kennedy, Amy A. Sarjeant, Charlotte L. Stern, Walter F. Paxton, Wei Wu, Sanjeev K. Dey, Albert C. Fahrenbach, Jeffrey R. Guest, Hooman Mohseni, Lin X. Chen, Kang L. Wang, J. Fraser Stoddart & Samuel I. Stupp

Arising from S. A. Tayi et al. Nature 488, 485–489 (2012)

Surface passivation and aging of InGaAs/InP heterojunction phototransistors

Min-Su Park, Mohsen Razaei, Katie Barnhart, Chee Leong Tan, Hooman Mohseni

Journal of Applied Physics 121, 233105 (2017)

Open architecture time of flight 3D SWIR camera operating at 150 MHz modulation frequency

Skyler Wheaton*, Alireza Bonakdar*, Iman Hassani Nia, Chee Leong Tan, Vala Fathipour, Hooman Mohseni

Optics Express, Vol. 25, Issue 16, pp. 19291-19297 (2017)

Demonstration of Shot-noiselimited Swept Source OCT Without Balanced Detection

Vala Fathipour, Tilman Schmoll, Alireza Bonakdar, Skylar Wheaton, Hooman Mohseni

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 1183 (2017)

Sensitivity Limit of Nanoscale Phototransistors

Mohsen Rezaei, Min Su Park, Chee Leong Tan, Hooman Mohseni

arXiv:1704.05987v1 (2017)

Detector with internal gain for shortwave infrared ranging applications

Vala Fathipour, Hooman Mohseni

Opt. Eng. 56 (2017)

Analytical and numerical evaluation of electron-injection detector optimized for SWIR photon detection

Yashar Movassaghi, Vala Fathipour, Morteza Fathipour, and Hooman Mohseni

Journal of Applied Physics 121, (2017)



Simple telecentric submillimeter lens with near-diffraction-limited performance across an 80 degree field of view

Mohsen Rezaei, Iman Hassani Nia, Alireza Bonakdar, Hooman Mohseni

Applied optics 55 (31), 8752-8756, (2016)

Advances on Sensitive Electron-Injection Based Cameras for Low-Flux, Short-Wave Infrared Applications

Vala Fathipour, Alireza Bonakdar, Hooman Mohseni

Front. Mater. 3, (2016). 

Analytical modeling and numerical simulation of the short-wave infrared electron-injection detectors

Yashar Movassaghi*, Vala Fathipour*, Morteza Fathipour, Hooman Mohseni

Applied Physics Letters, 108, 121102 (2016).

Observation of excitonic super-radiance in quantum well structures and its application for laser cooling of solids

Iman Hassani Nia, David Weinberg, Skylar Wheaton, Emily A. Weiss, Hooman Mohseni

Proc. SPIE 9765, Optical and Electronic Cooling of Solids, 97650J (March 7, 2016)

Efficient luminescence extraction strategies and anti-reflective coatings to enhance optical refrigeration of semiconductors

Iman Hasani Nia, Mohsen Rezaei, Robert Brown, S.J Jang, A. Turay, Vala Fathipour, and Hooman Mohseni

Journal of Luminescence (2016)


High-throughput realization of an infrared selective absorber/emitter by DUV microsphere projection lithography

Alireza Bonakdar, Mohsen Rezaei, Eric Dexheimer, Hooman Mohseni

Nanotechnology, 3(27), (2015).  

Pixellated readout IC: Analysis for single photon infrared detector for fast time of arrival applications

Farah Fahim, Vala Fathipour, Grzegorz Deptuch, and Hooman Mohseni

IEEE (2015)

Surface plasmon polariton assisted dissipative backaction cooling and amplification

Mohsen Rezaei, Iman Hasani Nia, Alireza Bonakdar, and Hooman Mohseni

Physical Review A. 92, 053852 (2015)

Observation of suppressed Auger mechanism in type-I quantum well structures with delocalized electron-hole wavefunction

Iman Hassani Nia, Vala Fathipour, and Hooman Mohseni

AIP Advances (5), 087138 (2015)

Deep-UV microsphere projection lithography

A. Bonakdar, M. Rezaei, R. L Brown, V. Fathipour, E. Dexheimer, S.J Jang, and H. Mohseni

Optics Letters 40 (11), 2537-2540 (2015)

Impact of three-dimensional geometry on the performance of isolated electron-injection infrared detectors

V. Fathipour, S.J. Jang, I.H. Nia, and H. Mohseni

Applied Physics Letters 106 (2), 021116 (2015)


Isolated Electron Injection Detectors with High Gain and Record Low Dark Current at Telecom Wavelength

V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, S. J. Jang, R. L. Brown, I. Hassani Nia, and H. Mohseni

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2014) 

Impact of optical antennas on active optoelectronic devices

A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni

Nanoscale (2014)

A proposal for Coulomb assisted laser cooling of piezoelectric semiconductors.

I. Hassani Nia and H. Mohseni

Applied Physics Letters (2014)

Novel high-throughput and maskless photolithography to fabricate plasmonic molecules,

A. Bonakdar, S. J. Jang and H. Mohseni

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (2014)


Hybrid optical antenna with high directivity gain

A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni

Optics Letters (2013) 

Impact of optical antenna and plasmonics on infrared imagers

A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni

Infrared Physics & Technology (2013)

Precise formation of dovetail structures for InP-based devices

I. H. Nia and H. Mohseni

ECS Solid State Letters (2013) 


Antenna integrated quantum cascade laser switchable via telecommunications wavelength probe beam

J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, D. Dey, I. Hassani, V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

SPIE Optics+Photonics (2012)

Detectivity of plasmonic enhanced photodetectors based on non-degenerate two-photon absorption process

A. Bonakdar, J. Kohoutek,H. Mohseni

SPIE Optics+Photonics (2012) 

Integrated all-optical Infrared Switchable Plasmonic Quantum Cascade Laser

J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, D. Dey, I. Hassani, V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

Nano Letters, (2012)  

Mechanical frequency and amplitude modulation of quantum cascade laser integrated with plasmonic nanoantenna

J. Kohoutek*, D. Dey*, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

Small, (2012)  

Nano-opto-mechanically modulated plasmonic nanoantenna-integrated quantum cascade laser

J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, V. Fathipour, O.G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

SPIE Optics+Photonics (2012) 

Optomechanical beam steering by surface plasmon nanoantenna

A. Bonakdar, J. Kohoutek,H. Mohseni

SPIE Optics+Photonics (2012) 

Optomechanical Nanoantenna

A. Bonakdar, J. Kohoutek, D. Dey, and H. Mohseni

Optics Letters 37(15), 3258-3260 (2012)  

Room Temperature Ferroelectricity in Supramolecular Networks of Charge-Transfer Complexes

Alok Tayi, Alexander Shveyd, Andrew Sue, Jodi Szarko, Brian Rolczynski, Taylor Kennedy, Amy Sarjeant, Charlotte Stern, Dennis Cao, Walter Paxton, Wei Wu, Sanjeev Dey, Albert Fahrenbach, Jeffrey Guest, Hooman Mohseni, Lin Chen, Kang Wang, J. Fraser Stoddart, Samuel Stupp

Nature 488, 485-489 (2012)  

Surface plasmon enhancement of photon extraction efficiency by silver nanoparticles: with applications in laser cooling of semiconductors

I. Hassani, O.G. Memis, J. Kohoutek, R. Gelfand, H. Mohseni

SPIE Optics+Photonics (2012)


New generation of isolated nano-injection detectors and imagers

O. G. Memis and H. Mohseni

Information Optics (WIO), 2011 10th Euro-American Workshop on, 1-3, (2011)  

Effect of optical force on transmission of plasmonic bowtie antenna

A. Bonakdar, D. Dey, and H. Mohseni

Photonics Conference (PHO), 250-251, (2011)  

Interlevel Cascade Transition in Electrically Confined Quantum Wire Arrays

W. Wu, I. Hassani, and H. Mohseni

ACS Nano 5 (9), 7488-7493, (2011)  

A new generation of mid-infrared sensors based on quantum cascade laser

D. Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakder, and H. Mohseni

Proc. SPIE 8034, 803404 (2011)  

Plasmonic antenna integrated Quantum Cascade Laser for mode confinement used for high sensitivity bio-sensing applications

D. Dey, J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, R. M. Gelfand, O. G. Memis, H. Mohseni

Photonics Conference (PHO), 2011 IEEE , 77-78, (2011)  

Opto-Mechanical Force Mapping of Deep Subwavelength Plasmonic Modes

J. Kohoutek, D. Dey, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, A. Sklar, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

Nano Letters 11(8), 3378-3382 (2011)  

Towards an Integrated Chip-Scale Plasmonic Biosensor

R. M. Gelfand, D. Dey, J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, S. C. Hur, D. D. Carlo, and H. Mohseni

OPN Optics and Photonics News, 22, 32 (2011)  

Opto-mechanical force measurement of deep sub-wavelength plasmonic modes

J. Kohoutek, D. Dey, A. Bonakdar, A. Sklar, O. G. Memis, R. Gelfand, and H. Mohseni

Proceeding of SPIE, Paper No. 8097-63 (2011)  

Optical Force Mapping of Plasmonic Modes Generated by a Nanoantenna

J. Kohoutek, D. Dey, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, A. Sklar, O. G. Memis, and, H. Mohseni

Photonics Conference (PHO), 183-184, (2011)  


Universality of non-Ohmic shunt leakage in thin-film solar cells

S. Dongaonkar, J.D. Servaites, G. M. Ford, S. Loser, J. Moore, R.M. Gelfand, H. Mohseni, H.W. Hillhouse, R. Agrawal, M.A. Ratner, T. J. Marks, M.S. Lundstrom, M. A. Alam,

J. Appl. Phys.(2010)  

A Short-Wave Infrared Nano-Injection Imager with 2,500 A/W Responsivity and Low Excess Noise

O. G. Memis, J. Kohoutek, W. Wu, R. M. Gelfand, H. Mohseni,

IEEE Photonics Journal (2010)

Quantum cascade laser integrated with metal-dielectric-metal based plasmonic antenna

D.Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni

Optics Letter (2010)

Composite nano-antenna integrated with Quantum Cascade laser

D.Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni.

IEEE Photonic Technology Letters (2010)  

Signal-to-noise performance of a short-wave infrared nanoinjection imager

O. G. Memis, J. Kohoutek, W. Wu, R. M. Gelfand, H. Mohseni

Optics Letters (2010)  

Plasmonic enhanced quantum well infrared photodetector with high detectivity

W. Wu, A. Bonakdar, and H. Mohseni,

Appl. Phys. Lett. (2010)  

A voltage tunable quantum dot photodetector for terahertz detection

DW. Wu , D. Dey and H. Mohseni

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2010)  

Design of a plasmonic photonic crystal for single bio-molecule spectroscopy

R. M. Gelfand and H. Mohseni

Proceeding of SPIE (2010)  

Short-Wave Infrared Nano-Injection Imaging Sensors

O.G. Memis, J. Kohoutek, W. Wu, R.M. Gelfand, and H. Mohseni

IEEE Sensors 2010  

Integration of plasmonic antenna on quantum cascade laser facet for chip-scale molecular sensing

D.Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni

IEEE Sensors (2010)  

Quantum cascade Laser integrated with plasmonic antenna

D. Dey, R. Gelfand, J.Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni.

Proceeding of SPIE (2010)

An apertureless near-field scanning optical microscope for imaging surface plasmons in the mid-wave infrared

J.Kohoutek, D. Dey, R. Gelfand, W. Wu and H. Mohseni

Proceeding of SPIE (2010)  

Near field imaging of a plasmon photonic crystal patterned on the facet of a quantum cascade laser

D.Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni.

Proceeding of SPIE (2010) 

Modeling of an electrically tunable quantum dot photodetector for terahertz detection

W. Wu, D. Dibyendu, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni,

Proceeding of SPIE (2010)  

Dynamic measurement and modeling of the Casimir force at the nanometer scale

J. Kohoutek, I. Y. L. Wan, and H. Mohseni

Appl. Phys. Lett. (2010)  


Nanocavity plasmonic device for ultrabroadband single molecule sensing

R. M. Gelfand, L. Bruderer, and H. Mohseni,

Optics Letters (2009)  

Modeling and fabrication of electrically tunable quantum dot intersubband devices

W. Wu, D. Dey, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni,

Applied Physics Letters (2009)  

An opto-electro-mechanical infrared photon detector with high internal gain at room temperature

J. Kohoutek, I. Y. L. Wan, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni,

Optics Express (2009)  


Fabrication of Large Area Periodic Nanostructures Using Nanosphere Photolithography

W. Wu, D. Dey, O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, and H. Mohseni

Nanoscale Research Letters (2008)

On the Source of Jitter in a Room-Temperature Nanoinjection Photon Detector at 1.55um

O.G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, H. Mohseni, M. Yan, S. Zhang, T. Hossain, N. Jin, and I. Adesida

IEEE Electron Device Letters (2008)

Large areas of periodic nano-holes perforated in multi-stacked films produced by lift-off

W. Wu, D. Dey, A. Katsnelson, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B (2008)

Sub-Poissonian Shot Noise of a High Internal Gain Injection Photon Detector

O.G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, S. C. Kong, H. Mohseni, M. Yan, S. Zhang, T. Hossain, N. Jin, and I. Adesida

Optics Express (2008)

Injectorless Quantum Cascade Laser with very Low Voltage-Defect Grown by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition

D. Dey, W. Wu,O. G. Memis, H. Mohseni,

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 21st Annual Meeting of the 2008

Theoretical Design for a Plasmon- Polariton Photonic Crystal

R. M. Gelfand, L. Bruderer, H. Mohseni

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 21st Annual Meeting of the 2008  

Electrically Confined Quantum Dot Intersubband Optoelectronic Devices,

W. Wu, D. Dey, O. G. Memis, A. Katnelson and H. Mohseni,

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 21st Annual Meeting of the 2008  

An Optoelectromechanical Light Sensor at 1.55um

J. Kohoutek, O. G. Memis and H. Mohseni

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 21st Annual Meeting of the 2008  

Low Noise, High Gain Short-Wave Infrared Nano-Injection Photon Detectors with Low Jitter

O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson and H. Mohseni

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 21st Annual Meeting of the 2008

A bio-inspired single photon detector with suppressed noise and low jitter

O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, H. Mohseni, M. Yan, S. Zhang, T. Hossain, N. Jin, I. Adesida

Proceeding of SPIE (2008)

Single-photon imaging inspired by human vision

H. Mohseni

Proc. SPIE (2008) 

A novel lithography technique for formation of large areas of uniform nanostructures

W. Wu, D. Dey, O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, H. Mohseni

Proceeding of SPIE (2008)


A novel self-aligned and massless process for formation of highly uniform arrays of nanoholes and nano pillars

W. Wu, D. Dey, O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson and H. Mohseni

Nanoscale Research Letters (2007)

A deep sub-wavelength process for the formation of highly uniform arrays of nanoholes and nano pillars

W. Wu, A. Katsnelson, O. G. Memis and H. Mohseni

Nanotechnology (2007) 

A photon detector with very high gain at low bias and at room temperature

O. G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, S. Kong, H. Mohseni, M. Yan, S. Zhang, T. Hossain, N. Jin and I. Adesida

Applied Physics Letters (2007)

A type-II near-infrared detector with very high stable gain and low noise at room temperature

O. G. Memis, W. Wu, D. Dey, A. Katsnelson and H. Mohseni

ISDRS (2007)

Detailed numerical modeling of a novel infrared single photon detector

O. G. Memis, W. Wu, D. Dey, A. Katsnelson and H. Mohseni

NUSOD (2007)

A novel SWIR detector with an ultra-high internal gain and negligible excess noise

H. Mohseni, O. G. Memis, S. C. Kong, A. Katsnelson and W. Wu

Proceedings of SPIE (2007)


Amorphous Silicon Waveguide Components for Monolithic Integration with InGaAsP Gain Sections

M.H. Kwakernaak, W.K. Chana, B. Kharasa, N. Maleya, H. Mohsenia, L. Yanga, D. Capewella, V. Frantza, T. Mooda, G.A. Pajera,c, D.A. Ackermana, J.H. Abelesa, A.M Brauna, J.G. Kima, D.S. Bangd, D.H. Lee

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6352, p. 635217 (2006) 

Bioinspired Single Photon Detectors

O.G. Memis, S.C. Kong, A. Katsnelson, M.P. Tomamichel, and H. Mohseni

Proceeding, Sixth IEEE-NANO Conference on Nanotechnology, pp. 742-745 (2006)

High-performance optical modulators based on stepped quantum wells

H. Mohseni; W. K. Chan; H. An; A. Ulmer; D. Capewell

SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 6127, p. 61270D-1, (2006)

Tunable Surface-normal Modulators Operating near 1550 nm with a High Extinction Ratio at High Temperatures

H. Mohseni , W. K. Chan, H. An, A. Ulmer, and D. Capewell

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.18, pp. 214-216, (2006)

Highly linear and efficient phase modulators based on GaInAsP-InP three-step quantum wells

H. Mohseni , H. An, Z. A. Shellenbarger, M. H. Kwakernaak, and J. H. Abeles

Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, pp.031103-031106, (2006)